Can you upgrade and Upsize your VCSA?

While brainstorming about one of our labs, the question was raised on whether you can upsize your VCSA while upgrading to a newer version. Specifically, from 6.5u2 to 6.7U1 (build 8815520 to 11726888). We wanted to upgrade to the latest version but we also believe we...
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Windows Bare Metal Recovery on Rubrik’s Andes 5.0

Rubrik Andes 5.0 is out! There are so many features that have been added and improved upon. One of the many things that has me excited is Bare Metal Recovery. While virtualization has pretty much taken over the enterprise world, there are still reasons to have physical...
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3 Months in…..

Slightly over 3 months in now at my first role as Technical Marketing Engineer with Rubrik, Inc and I couldn't be happier. The job itself is new things often enough, to where I don't feel bored. And my team is amazing-I couldn't ask for a more supportive group of...
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